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Custom Field Groups


Custom field groups are feature that can be used to interact with custom fields. Custom fields can be assigned to custom groups, so fields that are used together can be located next to each other.

Each sub user on an account can have their own set of custom field groups, allowing individual users to customize their groupings to match their workflows and responsibilities.

Creating groups

Creating a new group is done by entering the group name in the "Add to New Group" field of a custom field you would like to be assigned to the new group. After typing in the name, click the "Add" button that appears next to the "Add to New Group" field.

Clicking the Add button creates the group and assigns the custom field to that group. More custom fields can be assigned to the new group by selecting the group name from the "Select Group" drop down.

Removing groups

To remove an existing group, click "Delete" in the upper right of the group. This will remove the group as well as set all of the custom fields within it back to Ungrouped.

Click delete to remove the group.

After clicking delete, the group is gone.

The field, Min Stock, that had been a member of Group 1 is now Ungrouped.

Rearranging groups

To reorder groups, hover your mouse over the group name until you see the cursor change into a four-pointed arrow. Click and drag to move the group above or below other groups.

Assigning Custom Fields to Existing Groups

To assign a custom field to a group that already exists, find the custom field in "All Custom Fields" and choose the group you want it to be a member of from the "Select Group" dropdown. Once you've selected a group for that field, it will appear in that group.

Please note: Each custom field can be assigned to exactly one group.

Removing Custom Fields from Groups

There are two ways to remove a custom field from a group. The first is to find a custom field in the "All Custom Fields" section and change the value in its "Select Group" field to either Ungrouped if you don't want it to be in any group, or to set it to the name of another group that you want it to be a member of.

The second way to remove a custom field from a group is to click "Remove" on the right side of the custom field within the group. This will remove the field from the group, and is equivalent to setting its "Select Group" field to Ungrouped.

Rearranging Custom Fields within Groups

To rearrange custom fields within a group, drag and drop the fields to raise them above or drop them below other custom fields in that group. This works the similarly to rearranging custom fields in the product editor previously.

Hiding Fields

To hide a field, click the red X to the right of the field's title in the All Custom Fields section. This will remove the field from the All Custom Fields section and add it to the Hidden Fields group.

To unhide the field, expand the Hidden Fields section and click the blue + to the right of the field's title. This will add the field back to the All Custom Fields section.

Hidden fields in groups

It is possible to hide a custom field that is already a member of a group. This will hide the custom field from the All Custom Fields section, but the field will still be visible in the group it's a member of.

If the desired result is for the field not to be shown inside of a group, then the field should be removed from the group rather than hidden.