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How To: Set Label Printing Settings

You can select the fields you need to add to the Inventory label from the available drop-down options in the Label Fields Set  and then print Labels via SureDone using below steps.

This interface can be reached by visiting https://app.suredone.com/#!/settings/orders/advanced

1. Login to SureDone and go to SETTINGS > ORDERS & SHIPPING > Inventory Labels

2. Highlight the fields that you want to add - from Label Fields Set.

3. Click on Save Settings at the bottom of the page.

4. To create a sheet of barcodes for all your items, the following link can be accessed once logged into SureDone: https://app.suredone.com/editor?do=labels&type=items 

5. Once the sheet of barcodes is displayed on your browser, Label Printing - can be done using supported browsers