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ErrorCode:21919137 - Buyers love large photos that clearly show the item, so please upload high-resolution photos that are at least 500 pixels on the longest side.

Error:  This error is because the image you are trying to use does not meet the minimum size requirements for eBay.

Solution:  First you need to make sure the automatic Image Re-sizer is on.  

To do this go to Settings > Selling > Image Options and set the minimum Size Large to 600 or higher and then click save settings:

Now that you have the image re-sizer setup correctly you need to go the Media Section on the product page for that item in Suredone and open up every piece of media in the Suredone media editor and click Save for each one individually.  This will re size each picture.

After that just click Retry Item on the bottom of the product page and the item should list to eBay as intended.

Note:  Going forward with the image re-sizer on you should not see this error again.