["[Code:5000] [Error]XML Parsing Error at Line 36, Column 1374: cvc-attribute.3: The value 'LBS' of attribute 'unitOfMeasure' on element 'DisplayWeight' is not valid with respect to its type, 'WeightUnitOfMeasure'.","[Code:5000] [Error]XML Parsing Error at Line 36, Column 1374: cvc-enumeration-valid: Value 'LBS' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[GR, KG, OZ, LB, MG]'. It must be a value from the enumeration."]
As the error outlined, Amazon would accept only certain values GR, KG, OZ, LB or MG for the DisplayWeight@unitOfMeasure field located in the category XML Options in Settings -> Channels and the current and invalid value needs to be replaced.