1. Get the item export of the parent and the children and THEN delete the items out of Suredone. (screenshot included on how I created the file)
2. Go back to the export of the parent and children and delete these columns from the csv:
id, uri, galleryuri, parenturi, ebaysku, ebayoptions, amznsku, amznasin, amznfba, mediax, mediacount, amznoptions
3. Insert a new column in front of sku changing column A into a blank column and put action=add in cell A1 and then saved the .csv file
4. In the Dashboard go to BULK > UPLOADS in Suredone, choose the .csv file you saved in step 3 and check off SKIP EBAY AND SKIP AMAZON ONLY (this is the most important part as if you don't skip eBay and Amazon the variations of the parent will not change their status to attribute)
5. After the items are in Suredone, go to the parent in the Editoir and Retry Channel Relist and you are done, Rinse and repeat for each variation