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Listing Products and Variations to Shopify

Simple Products

The only required field in Shopify is the title. The rest of the fields can be mapped in the plugin settings page with the "Custom Fields Mapping" button.


  1. Fill out the desired fields. Variations take the same fields as simple products. To create variations on SureDone, fill it out as you would a normal product.
  2. Select "Create draft"
  3. In the draft make sure you have at least one property value but no more than two filled in for the taxonomy ID. 
  4. Skip all, and select update to save this to the item.
  5. Select Create Variation and fill in a different GUID and other relevant information about your variation.
  6. Change the field you want to vary on along with anything else. 
  7. Skip All and select Update.
  8. Navigate back to the parent and ensure you're sending it to the channel now.
  9. Select Relist.

NOTE: Shopify variations can only vary on 3 properties, and these properties must be selected in the "Variation Fields" section in the Single Editor UI!