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BigCommerce Oversells

If you are experiencing oversells in BigCommerce, it may be due to items that have gone out of stock not being updated to zero quantity on BigCommerce.

There's a fairly simple fix for this. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to your export section of SureDone. Select the following options:

    Bulk Action: Relist
    Add Export Fields: guid
    Search: bigcommercelistingid:-= total_stock:=0

    You can leave everything else at its defaults.

  2. Click Export.
  3. Download the export when it's complete.
  4. Go to Bulk Uploads in SureDone
  5. Click on Upload File and select the file you just downloaded to your computer.
  6. Under "Skips", check every channel EXCEPT your BigCommerce channel (or channels) that need to be updated. Those should remain unchecked.
  7. Click Upload.
  8. Check your bulk results file for any errors.

If you have a lot of products and you'd like to restrict which products are updated on BigCommerce, modify your search to be similar to the following:

bigcommercelistingid:-= total_stock:=0 (dateupdated:>=2023-05-25 datesold:>=2023-05-25)