If you are experiencing oversells in BigCommerce, it may be due to items that have gone out of stock not being updated to zero quantity on BigCommerce.
There's a fairly simple fix for this. Follow the instructions below.
- Go to your export section of SureDone. Select the following options:
Bulk Action: Relist
Add Export Fields: guid
Search: bigcommercelistingid:-= total_stock:=0
You can leave everything else at its defaults. - Click Export.
- Download the export when it's complete.
- Go to Bulk Uploads in SureDone
- Click on Upload File and select the file you just downloaded to your computer.
- Under "Skips", check every channel EXCEPT your BigCommerce channel (or channels) that need to be updated. Those should remain unchecked.
- Click Upload.
- Check your bulk results file for any errors.
If you have a lot of products and you'd like to restrict which products are updated on BigCommerce, modify your search to be similar to the following:
bigcommercelistingid:-= total_stock:=0 (dateupdated:>=2023-05-25 datesold:>=2023-05-25)