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SkuVault Inventory Management

This guide is to fully explain how SkuVault and SureDone are integrated together. If you have not yet setup your SkuVault integration with SureDone, you can follow these steps from here.


Verbiage Clarification: Creating a Product in SkuVault means you are defining the product and information about the product. When you Create an Item in SkuVault, this is where you define the warehouse/location of the item and the quantity. You can have multiple items with different quantities and location that are attached to a Product.


Create a Product and Item in SkuVault

When you create a product and item within SkuVault, you need to schedule an import to create an item in SureDone. The fields that SureDone will import for new items only are:

  • SkuVault Field -> SureDone Field
  • SKU -> guid *required
  • Description -> title *required (this field is ghosted in the general section)
  • RetailPrice -> price (this field shows in the general section)
  • SalePrice -> discountprice (this field shows in the general section)
  • Cost -> cost (this field shows in the general section)
  • AvailableInventory -> stock
  • Pictures -> media (URL only, the images themselves will not be imported into SureDone)
  • Part Number -> Part Number (this is not the same as any custom field labeled MPN or Part Number)
  • Brand -> brand *required (dropdown in the SkuVault section)
  • Supplier -> supplier *required (dropdown in the SkuVault section)
  • Classification -> classification *required (dropdown in the SkuVault section, excluding Attributes)
  • Location -> Location (SureDone creates an uneditable field that stores the SkuVault location)

Once you schedule an import within SureDone, it will be at the latest 15 minutes to start the import. The more new items you have, the longer the import may take. Therefore, if you have 100K new items that have never been imported into SureDone before, it's best to run this overnight because it will take awhile.



Create an Item in SureDone

When you create an item in SureDone, the item is created dynamically within SkuVault. It is not on a scheduled update. Creating an item within SureDone creates a Product in SkuVault. This does not create an Item in SkuVault. That being said, once you have created items in SureDone, you must then create items in SkuVault so you can enter the warehouse/location and quantity per location directly within SkuVault.

After this item is created in SkuVault, go to SureDone Settings > Plugins > SkuVault and then change Schedule Product Import to ON. Click Submit to save this.
What gets adjusted is stock/quantity and also SureDone will import an uneditable field called Location.

* Best Practice: For the best case scenario when creating an item in SureDone, do not add stock/quantity in SureDone. If you do, you may potentially oversell your stock. Here's an example: If you add qty 10 to an item in SureDone and you spend 30 minutes making the item in SkuVault, by the time the Scheduled Product Import updates the quantity in SureDone, you could have sold 1. Stock could have decremented to 9 but the update from SkuVault will override that and make it 10.

Are you missing Classifications, Brands or Suppliers in the list that you know are in SkuVault? If so, go to Settings > Plugins > SkuVault and you need to click Refresh on each option to sync with SkuVault. 

Updating an Item in SkuVault

When you need to adjust quantity, this must be done within SkuVault and not SureDone. SkuVault holds the master quantity amount and SureDone will always be adjusted by the amount that is in SkuVault. SureDone runs an update every 15 minutes to pull all accurate inventory counts from SkuVault and will dynamically update all active channels with these quantities.

If you want to update the Location that is displayed in SureDone, you must adjust this location in SkuVault and then schedule a Product Import.



Updating an Item in SureDone

When you edit an item in SureDone, the following fields are updated in SkuVault: Part Number, Cost, Sale Price, Retail Price, Description, Classification, Brand, Supplier and Pictures.



An Item sold, what happens now

Anytime a sale happens on any channel, the stock is decremented within SureDone. Meaning if you had a quantity of 10, now it is at 9 because of the order. This will decrement the stock on all other channels the item is listed on. SkuVault will also import the order directly from the channels which will decrement the inventory in that system as well keeping inventory level in both places.