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SDC Product Import Instructions

If you don’t yet have an account with SEMA Data Co-op, please sign up for one using the instructions at Signing up for an SDC (SEMA Data Co-op) account and also please contact us, so we can discuss the SDC integration and the related extra fees in further detail. Once your account is set up, follow these steps to import products from a manufacturer into your SureDone account and also keep them up to date.

Step 1: Create an Export Template for products

If you want the same fields exported from each manufacturer, you can perform this step only once and use the template for each manufacturer for which you want to import data.

Log into your SDC member portal (SureDone staff performing this tasks will log in using the data contact account).

Navigate to the Exports section.

And create a template with the following options:

Since this is a custom export, you get to choose the detailed fields that should be included. Don't include fitment data.

Make sure to include at least the following fields so SureDone can import the data:

  • B15 Part Number (maps to the mpn/manufacturerpartnumber field on SureDone)
  • B10 Item-Level GTIN (maps to the guid field on SureDone)
  • C10_INV Product Desc (maps to the title field on SureDone)

Optional fields that are common to include:

  • B20 Brand AAIAID (maps to the brandid field on SureDone)
  • B25 Brand Label (maps to the brand field on SureDone)
  • C10_DES Product Desc (maps to the longdesc field on SureDone)
  • D40_RET Retail (maps to the price field on SureDone)
  • D40_WMP (maps to the Custom MAP field, check MAP Field in eBay settings or MAP in Amazon XML Mapping > Price Fields)
  • P80_P04 (maps to the media1 field on SureDone)
  • H45 Weight (maps to the weight field on SureDone)

Note: Use only the fields you need, as the amount of data generated by selecting all is too large and errors out.

Now, hit save, and you're done! You can use this template to create exports for each manufacturer.

Step 2: Create an export for a single manufacturer

Navigate to the Exports section of the SDC portal.

Select your export template from Step 1 and use the Bulk Copy button to create exports for each manufacturer.

Select which manufacturers and data sets you want to export using the template:

And set up a naming convention that just uses the Brand Name, then click Submit New Exports:

Now you have created an export that will run whenever the manufacturer's data changes:

Step 3: Create a SureDone Automation

Please contact us at [email protected] or log a ticket once you are ready so we can get the autoamtion in queue.