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How to: Map Walmart Fields

After you've created and authorized your new Walmart instance, you can start mapping your custom fields, similar to Amazon, in order to list items properly. 


The Easiest Way to List

Walmart maintains a catalog of UPC's mapped to item details. As long as your Walmart instance has GTIN mapped to UPC, you don't have to do much more. If your Walmart instance was created after March 11th, 2021, this field should already be mapped.

  1. Go to your Walmart Settings.
  2. Click on "Custom Fields Mapping"

  3. Type in "gtin" in the field search and then select "upc" for mapping.

  4. Click Save

IMPORTANT - If You Enabled Walmart Before March 11, 2021

On March 11th, 2021 we updated our Walmart integration. It's important that you make sure the following fields are mapped. Follow the instructions in the above section to map these fields. In the field search section, enter the Walmart field name, and then in the Mapping section, select the SureDone field you want to map to.

If you enabled your integration after this date, these fields are automatically mapped within your account.

Walmart FieldSureDone Field

Mapping Image Fields

By default, SureDone maps mainImageUrl to media1 and productSecondaryImageURL to media2. What this does behind the scenes is use only a single image for the primary image and then will automatically cycle through media2 to media10 to support multiple images for productSecondaryImageURL.

If you map a different field to productSecondaryImageURL, then SureDone will split the field value by "*" to determine which image urls to set into productSecondaryImageURL.

Mapping Additional Fields

Please be aware that in order to make sure everything you need is mapped for your categories, it will require you to download Item Specs directly from Walmart Seller Central. 

Also please note that there are minimum requirements for certain fields to be present before ANY products can be pushed to Walmart. These fields are detailed below.

Attached are a few examples of full item specs that can be downloaded, but this guide will also go into where you can find those Item Specs in Walmart and cover one example category though similar steps can be applied for other categories. 

1. Log into Walmart Seller Central and click "Add New Items":

2. Click "Add Items in Bulk"

3. Scroll to the Full Item Spec section and select a Store Category your items will be listed to:

Please note: This step might be to be repeated multiple times to make sure you download the full item specs for all categories that will be listed to. 

4. When the Store Category is chosen from the dropdown, the Download button will be enabled and can be clicked to download the Item Specs in Excel:

5. When the item specs file opens, the common tabs to reference in the download is the "Data Definitions" and tab outlining the actual category or sub-categories being listed to: 

For the store category in this example, there is only one main category for Clothing and no specific sub-categories (i.e. Pants, Shirts, etc). A different guide will go into detail on how you can choose to categorize your items more specifically since it's different from other channels like eBay and Amazon. However the following screenshot shows how the tabs look for a Store Category that has multiple sub-categories that can be chosen in the item specs file:

6. Once you have the item specs file that are relevant, you can start mapping fields in you Walmart Plugin Settings and there will be a Custom Fields Mapping link that can be clicked on:

Please note: In order to see the Custom Fields Mapping link, the Walmart instance should be properly authorized. Steps for authorizing can be viewed at https://support.suredone.com/support/solutions/articles/1000249876. 

7. After clicking "Custom Field Mappings", a modal will pop up to allow you to map and search through Universal fields:

If Category Specifics Fields is clicked, it'll enable you to search for specific Store Category you want to map fields for or search through the fields themselves: 

Please note that the following fields are required to be mapped under the Universal Product Fields section:

1. Fulfillment Lag Time - Map this to the existing fulfillmentlatency user field. Always have a value of 2 unless Walmart has given you permission to input a higher value.

2. Sale End Date - Map this to an existing saleenddate field or create a saleenddate field. Doesn't require a value but needs to be mapped.

3.  Product Tax Code - Map this to the existing producttaxcode user field. Required to be filled in.

4. Shipping Weight - Map this to the existing weight field. Required to be filled in for most/all items.

With the Clothing store category example, the following screenshot shows how you can refine the list of fields by category and field keyword:

8. The typical workflow is to search for the Category first to refine the results specific to that category and then have the category item specs opened. All required fields for the category will be in red text in the item specs file and are mandatory to be be mapped (some fields like Product ID are already pre-mapped, but things like ProductTaxCode will need to be manually mapped to a custom field created):

Please note if you cannot find the field within the Category fields, it will be under the Universal Product Fields section to be mapped. For example, Product Tax Code and Shipping Weight are in Universal Product Fields, whereas Brand is in the Category Specific Fields to be mapped:

After you've searched for your Store Category, you can map each of the Category Fields to a SureDone custom field by clicking each dropdown and choosing the field you want to map to it. To learn how to create and add SureDone custom fields please see the following guide: https://support.suredone.com/support/solutions/articles/1000244328

9. After all required fields are mapped, you can then review the item specs file and map other fields you typically use to describe your product that aren't necessarily required. The Definition tab in the item specs is helpful to get more insight on what the field means and include examples on how they can be used. With Clothing, for example, the Pant Fit, Pant Size, etc aren't required but having them filled in will help a potential buyer explain the item better and be searched for easily as well. If you already have a custom field added for a different channel like Amazon to describe this, then you can easily choose the custom field from the Mapping dropdown to map to the Field. 

However, there might be instances where a new custom field needs to be added and mapped due to differences in what values are accepted between Walmart and other channels. For example, if you have a Warranty custom field for eBay and Walmart also has one that can be used, you might not be able to map the Walmart warranty field to the same custom field used by eBay if they required different formats (i.e. eBay might look for Yes or No whereas Y or N is acceptable for Walmart). In this case, a new custom field specific to Walmart needs to be created then mapped. 

10. Once all fields are mapped, Save can be clicked in the modal to save your changes:

Lastly, referencing the Walmart item specs when first listing is very helpful since there are some differences between what they accept from eBay or Amazon. The Data Definition tab especially would be helpful since it explains the fields well and will also go into which fields require certain keywords or formats.