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SureDone provides a lot of flexibility when it comes to what information gets sent to channels and what doesn't. This enables us to work with repricers, warehouse management systems and more.

We've included an example at the end of this guide.


The header for skipping is basically a combination of the channel name, the instance and the word skip.

For example:

  • For your primary ebay instance, the header would be ebayskip
  • For your second ebay instance the header would be ebay2skip
  • For your primary Amazon instance the header would be amznskip
  • For your third Amazon instance the header would be amzn3skip
  • For your second Walmart instance the header would be walmart2skip
  • For your first Jet instance, the header would be jetskip
  • For your first Google Shopping actions instance the header would be googleskip

Don't Send Anything

If you are doing a relist or edit and you want to completely skip sending anything to a channel, you have two choices - skipOnce and alwaysSkip.

Using the skipOnce setting will only skip it for that bulk upload. It will not change the setting on the item to skip it the next time.

By setting alwaysSkip, you are changing the item to always skip that channel in this and future bulk uploads. If you want to send the info to a channel later, read the next section.

Send Your Data

If your item is currently set to skip and you'd actually like to send the data from this bulk update, use either sendOnce or alwaysSend.

Using the sendOnce setting will only send your data from this bulk file. It will not change the setting on the item and, if the item is set to alwaysSkip, it will skip sending data the next time.

By setting alwaysSend you are changing the item to always send to that channel in this and future bulk uploads.

Skipping Stock and Price

At times you may want to list everything to a channel except for the stock and/or price. For example, if you are using a repricer but want to change a title, you might want to skip sending price but want to send everything else. Or, if you are using a warehouse management system, you might want to update a channel specific but not overwrite stock levels.

First we need to mention some exceptions:

  • If you've got an item set to always skip stock but it hasn't been listed to a channel, we'll send a 0 to the channel for stock level (if the channel accepts this).
  • eBay variations require a price to update a listing, so we'll still send the price you've set on an item in SureDone even if you have the price skipping turned on.
  • Google Shopping Actions requires a price to be sent for product updates, so we'll still send the price you've set on an item in SureDone even if you have the price skipping turned on.
  • On Walmart if you've set a promo price, we'll still send that even if skip price is turned on. We will only skip the standard price.
  • We do not support price or stock skipping on BigCommerce, Magento or the SureDone storefront.
  • These new parameters do not apply to SKUVault.

OK - so how do you do it?

You use the same headers as above, but then you will use alwaysSkipStock, alwaysSkipPrice, alwaysSkipStockPrice. These should be fairly self-explanatory, but just in case:

  • alwaysSkipStock will skip sending stock from this bulk upload and future ones
  • alwaysSkipPrice will skip sending price from this bulk upload and future ones
  • alwaysSkipStockPrice will skip sending both stock and price from this bulk upload and future ones

You can reset these using sendOnce or alwaysSend.


What will this do?

  • This will edit guid abcd-123 with a new price of 5.54 and a new stock level of 22
  • For just this upload, we won't send any information to the main ebay channel (ebayskip skipOnce)
  • For this upload and future uploads we won't send any information to the second amazon channel (amzn2skip alwaysSkip)
  • For this upload and future uploads we will send all information to the third walmart instance (walmart3skip alwaysSend)
  • For this upload and future uploads we won't send stock or price to the first Jet instance (jetskip alwaysSkipStockPrice)
  • For any other channels defined in this account, we'll follow whatever they are currently set to - sending, skipping, etc.